62 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra afpfs-ng 0.8.2-3 A client for the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) 2023-05-19 2023-07-04
x86_64 Extra asplib 20160310.da66f51-4 Achim's Signal Processing LIBrary 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra atop 2.9.0-1 A system and process level monitor 2023-06-02
any Extra awxkit 22.6.0-1 The official command line interface for Ansible AWX 2023-08-02
x86_64 Extra copyq 7.0.0-1 Clipboard manager with searchable and editable history 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra doublecmd-gtk2 1.0.11-3 twin-panel (commander-style) file manager (GTK2) 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra doublecmd-qt5 1.0.11-3 twin-panel (commander-style) file manager (Qt5) 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra fpc 3.2.2-8 Free Pascal Compiler, Turbo Pascal 7.0 and Delphi compatible. 2023-05-19
any Extra fpc-src 3.2.2-3 Sources for the FreePascal compiler (required by the Lazarus IDE) 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra fwbuilder 5.3.7-13 Object-oriented GUI and set of compilers for various firewall platforms 2023-06-28
x86_64 Extra kodi 20.2-2 A software media player and entertainment hub for digital media 2023-07-28
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-audioencoder-flac 1:20.2.0-5 FLAC Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-audioencoder-lame 1:20.3.0-5 LAME Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-audioencoder-vorbis 1:20.2.0-5 Vorbis Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-audioencoder-wav 1:20.2.0-5 WAV Audio Encoder add-on for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-imagedecoder-heif 20.1.0-6 Kodi heif/heic imagedecoder addon 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-imagedecoder-raw 20.1.0-6 Kodi raw imagedecoder addon 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-inputstream-adaptive 20.3.9-2 InputStream client for adaptive streams for Kodi 18+ 2023-06-29 2023-07-28
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-inputstream-rtmp 20.3.0-6 RTMP input stream add-on for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-peripheral-joystick 20.1.9-2 Joystick support for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-screensaver-asteroids 1:20.2.0-5 Asteroids screensaver for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-screensaver-biogenesis 1:20.1.0-6 BioGenesis screensaver for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-screensaver-greynetic 1:20.2.0-5 Greynetic screensaver for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-screensaver-matrixtrails 1:20.1.0-6 Matrix trails screensaver for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-screensaver-pingpong 1:20.2.0-5 Ping-pong screensaver for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-screensaver-pyro 1:20.1.0-6 Pyro screensaver for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-screensaver-stars 1:20.1.0-6 Starfield screensaver for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-visualization-projectm 1:20.2.0-6 ProjectM visualizer for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-visualization-shadertoy 1:20.3.0-7 Shadertoy visualizer for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-visualization-spectrum 1:20.2.0-6 Spectrum visualizer for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-addon-visualization-waveform 1:20.2.1-6 Waveform visualizer for Kodi 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-dev 20.2-2 Kodi dev files 2023-07-28
x86_64 Extra kodi-eventclients 20.2-2 Kodi Event Clients 2023-07-28
x86_64 Extra kodi-platform 20190726.809c5e9-45 platform library for external kodi addons 2023-06-29
x86_64 Extra kodi-tools-texturepacker 20.2-2 Kodi Texturepacker tool 2023-07-28
x86_64 Extra lazarus 2.2.6-2 Delphi-like IDE for FreePascal common files 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra lazarus-gtk2 2.2.6-2 Delphi-like IDE for FreePascal gtk2 version 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra lazarus-qt5 2.2.6-2 Delphi-like IDE for FreePascal qt5 version 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra lcdproc 0.5.9-8 Utility to drive one or more LCD (and LCD-like) devices 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra libaacs 0.11.1-2 Advanced Access Content System 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra libcec 6.0.2-4 Pulse-Eight's libcec for the Pulse-Eight USB-CEC adapter 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra libcrossguid 1:0.2.2-4 Lightweight cross platform C++ GUID/UUID library 2023-06-03
x86_64 Extra libftdi-compat 0.20-8 A library to talk to FTDI chips 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra libnfs 5.0.2-1 client library for accessing NFS shares 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra libshairport emulates an AirPort Express 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra opera 101.0.4843.43-1 A fast and secure web browser 2023-08-09
x86_64 Extra opera-ffmpeg-codecs 115.0.5790.171-1 additional support for proprietary codecs for opera 2023-08-09
x86_64 Extra p8-platform Platform support library used by libCEC and binary add-ons for Kodi 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra par2cmdline 0.8.1-2 A PAR 2.0 compatible file verification and repair tool 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra php-legacy-mongodb 1.15.3-2 MongoDB driver for PHP Legacy 2023-06-28
x86_64 Extra php-mongodb 1.15.3-2 MongoDB driver for PHP 2023-06-28
x86_64 Extra projectm 3.1.12-4 Music visualizer which uses 3D accelerated iterative image based rendering 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra projectm-pulseaudio 3.1.12-4 Music visualizer which uses 3D accelerated iterative image based rendering (pulseaudio) 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra projectm-sdl 3.1.12-4 Music visualizer which uses 3D accelerated iterative image based rendering (sdl) 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra python-pycryptodomex 3.12.0-2 A self-contained Python package of low-level cryptographic primitives 2023-05-19 2023-06-06
x86_64 Extra qcad A 2D CAD package based upon Qt 2023-07-20
x86_64 Extra qt5pas Free Pascal Qt5 binding library updated by lazarus IDE 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra shairplay 20180824.096b61a-4 Apple airplay and raop protocol server 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra soil 1.16-5 A tiny C lib primarily for loading textures into OpenGL 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra vivaldi 6.1.3035.257-1 An advanced browser made with the power user in mind. 2023-08-03
x86_64 Extra vivaldi-ffmpeg-codecs 114.0.5735.119-1 additional support for proprietary codecs for vivaldi 2023-06-08
x86_64 Extra waylandpp 1.0.0-2 Wayland C++ bindings 2023-05-19

62 matching packages found.

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