678 matching packages found. Page 1 of 7.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra aegisub 3.3.3-5 A general-purpose subtitle editor with ASS/SSA support 2023-06-28
x86_64 Extra allegro4 Portable library aimed at video game and multimedia programming (legacy version) 2023-05-19
any Extra beanshell 2.1.1-1 Small, free, embeddable, source level Java interpreter with object based scripting language features written in Java 2022-12-02
x86_64 Extra boost 1.81.0-7 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (development headers) 2023-06-28 2023-04-14
x86_64 Extra boost-libs 1.81.0-7 Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (runtime libraries) 2023-06-28 2023-04-14
x86_64 Extra clucene C++ port of the high-performance text search engine Lucene 2023-01-22
x86_64 Extra cmatrix 2.0-2 A curses-based scrolling 'Matrix'-like screen 2023-05-19
x86_64 Extra compface 1.5.2-11 Utils & libs to convert from/to X-Face format. 2022-11-15
x86_64 Extra couchdb 3.3.2-1 Document-oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a MapReduce fashion using JSON 2023-06-28
x86_64 Extra cppunit 1.15.1-3 A C++ unit testing framework 2022-05-21
x86_64 Extra cups 1:2.4.6-1 OpenPrinting CUPS - daemon package 2023-06-22
x86_64 Extra cups-filters 1.28.17-4 OpenPrinting CUPS Filters 2023-05-26
x86_64 Extra cups-pdf 3.0.1-7 PDF printer for cups 2022-11-15
x86_64 Extra cups-pk-helper 0.2.7-1 A helper that makes system-config-printer use PolicyKit 2022-08-18
x86_64 Core ding-libs 0.6.2-1 "DING is not GNU" helper libraries for SSSD and FreeIPA 2022-05-31
any Extra docbook-dsssl 1.79-9 DSSSL Stylesheets for DocBook 2022-11-15
any Extra docbook-mathml 1.1CR1-7 MathML XML scheme 2022-05-21
any Extra docbook-sgml 4.5-8 Document type definitions for verification of SGML data files against the DocBook rule set. 2022-05-21
any Extra docbook-sgml31 3.1-5 Legacy docbook-sgml 2022-05-21
any Extra docbook-utils 0.6.14-12 Shell scripts to manage DocBook documents 2021-04-01
x86_64 Extra docbook2x 0.8.8-18 A software package that converts DocBook documents into the traditional Unix man page format and the GNU Texinfo format. 2023-05-19
any Extra docbook5-xml 5.1-3 a complete rewrite of the well-known DocBook 4 XML schema (DTD, Relax NG, W3C schema) for Docbook 5.X 2022-05-21
x86_64 Extra dovecot 2.3.20-2 An IMAP and POP3 server written with security primarily in mind 2023-06-28
x86_64 Extra dovecot-fts-xapian 1.5.5-6 Dovecot FTS plugin based on Xapian 2023-06-28
x86_64 Extra ell 0.57-1 Embedded Linux library 2023-05-25
any Extra foomatic-db 3:20230709-1 Foomatic - The collected knowledge about printers, drivers, and driver options in XML files, used by foomatic-db-engine to generate PPD files. 2023-07-09
x86_64 Extra foomatic-db-engine 4:20220521-1 Foomatic - Foomatic's database engine generates PPD files from the data in Foomatic's XML database. It also contains scripts to directly generate print queues and handle jobs. 2022-05-21
x86_64 Extra foomatic-db-gutenprint-ppds 5.3.4-2 simplified prebuilt ppd files 2022-11-15
any Extra foomatic-db-nonfree 3:20230709-1 Foomatic - database extension consisting of manufacturer-supplied PPD files released under non-free licenses 2023-07-09
any Extra foomatic-db-nonfree-ppds 3:20230709-1 Foomatic - non-free PPDs from printer manufacturers 2023-07-09
any Extra foomatic-db-ppds 3:20230709-1 Foomatic - PPDs from printer manufacturers 2023-07-09
x86_64 Extra gambas3-dev-tools 3.18.3-2 Development environment 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-args 3.18.3-2 Command-line options analyzer component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-cairo 3.18.3-2 Cairo component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-chart 3.18.3-2 Chart component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-clipper 3.18.3-2 Polygon clipping component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-complex 3.18.3-2 Complex numbers component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-compress 3.18.3-2 Compression support component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-crypt 3.18.3-2 MD5/DES crypting component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-data 3.18.3-2 Data containers component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db 3.18.3-2 Database access component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db-form 3.18.3-2 Database form component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db-mysql 3.18.3-2 MySQL database access component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db-odbc 3.18.3-2 ODBC database access component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db-postgresql 3.18.3-2 PostgreSQL database access component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-db-sqlite3 3.18.3-2 Sqlite3 database access component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-dbus 3.18.3-2 DBUS component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-desktop 3.18.3-2 Desktop component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-desktop-gnome 3.18.3-2 Desktop component for Gnome 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-desktop-x11 3.18.3-2 X-Window library support component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-eval-highlight 3.18.3-2 Expression evaluator highlight component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-form 3.18.3-2 Form component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-form-dialog 3.18.3-2 Form dialog component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-form-editor 3.18.3-2 Editor component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-form-htmlview 3.18.3-2 Htmlview component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-form-mdi 3.18.3-2 Form MDI component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-form-stock 3.18.3-2 Default stock icons component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-form-terminal 3.18.3-2 Terminal component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-gmp 3.18.3-2 Arbitrary precision arithmetic component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-gsl 3.18.3-2 The GNU Scientific Library component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-gtk3 3.18.3-2 GTK3 toolkit component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-gtk3-opengl 3.18.3-2 GTK3 toolkit OpenGL component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-hash 3.18.3-2 Hashing functions 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-httpd 3.18.3-2 Embedded HTTP server for the interpreter 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-image 3.18.3-2 Image component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-image-effect 3.18.3-2 Image effect component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-image-imlib 3.18.3-2 Imlib component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-image-io 3.18.3-2 Input/Output image component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-inotify 3.18.3-2 Filesystem events monitoring component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-libxml 3.18.3-2 libxml2 component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-logging 3.18.3-2 Flexible log message handling component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-map 3.18.3-2 Display maps component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-markdown 3.18.3-2 Convert the Gambas markdown syntax to HTML 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-media 3.18.3-2 Simplified interface to the GStreamer library component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-media-form 3.18.3-2 Media player control component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-memcached 3.18.3-2 Memcached client component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-mime 3.18.3-2 MIME message component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-mysql 3.18.3-2 Mysql extra component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-ncurses 3.18.3-2 Ncurses component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-net 3.18.3-2 Network component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-net-curl 3.18.3-2 Curl component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-net-pop3 3.18.3-2 POP3 component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-net-smtp 3.18.3-2 SMTP component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-openal 3.18.3-2 OpenAL 3D audio component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-opengl 3.18.3-2 OpenGL component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-opengl-glsl 3.18.3-2 GLSL component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-opengl-glu 3.18.3-2 GL Utility component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-opengl-sge 3.18.3-2 Simple OpenGL game engine component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-openssl 3.18.3-2 Openssl component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-option 3.18.3-2 Getopt component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-pcre 3.18.3-2 PCRE component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-poppler 3.18.3-2 PDF component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-qt5 3.18.3-2 Qt5 toolkit component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-qt5-opengl 3.18.3-2 Qt5 toolkit OpenGL component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-report 3.18.3-2 Report component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-scanner 3.18.3-2 Scanimage frontend component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-sdl 3.18.3-2 SDL component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-sdl-sound 3.18.3-2 SDL sound component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-sdl2 3.18.3-2 SDL2 component 2023-07-14
x86_64 Extra gambas3-gb-sdl2-audio 3.18.3-2 SDL2 audio component 2023-07-14

678 matching packages found. Page 1 of 7.

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